In memory of Elexis, the foundation wants to create a place to support children from underprivileged or disadvantaged backgrounds in golf.
As a foundation we will fundraise and gain support from our community, businesses and others, in order to give back to children who normally would not have the chance to play golf.
In order to do this we look for any children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with low incomes. We understand that golf is a privileged sport for many. Our goal is to be able to show that anyone can take part.
Only 2% of golf club members come from different ethnicities and we will support children from ethnic minorities within the foundation.
The foundation aims to also give children with disabilities the opportunity to play golf, especially for those with coordination problems, such as dyspraxia, that may not get to take part in other sports .
We want to support those children with mental health needs.
Children with other protected characteristics are also encouraged to apply for help from the foundation, along with those from troubled or unsettled backgrounds and children in care.
Elexis wanted the world to know that your background does and should not matter.
The Elexis Brown Foundation envisages that it will gain charity status in the coming months. As a result we will have high criteria standards to meet and therefore, those applying for our support need to expect that we will ask for evidence of the disadvantage and that may mean we ask for evidence of income, benefits and expenditure.
We want to make sure that those who generally would not get to experience golf are the children that we reach out to and help.
We work within GDPR guidelines and charity guidelines. Once evidence has been produced we will not keep the details on file. These details will only be shared with the trustees. The consideration for the child will be put forward to a board without the sharing of personal details.
The foundation will support the children for one year. However, we hope to be able to secure funds or support/sponsorship to allow the child to continue with golf.
We are unable to put any times or guarantees for this at the time. Due to the newness of the foundation. Yes we hope that if the child is enjoying what is offered, we can look at ways to continue this.
We will be offering a one year membership to a golf club local to them, golf lessons with the local golf pro, all equipment and clothing required for the year.
We ask in return that the foundation and out supporters are acknowledged for this throughout the year. Ideally we would ask for a social media presence of the child, but we also understand safeguarding concerns, so would expect parents to be in charge of this. The child's identity will be protected if required for safeguarding.
We ask that we receive monthly progress reports from the pro on how they are getting on and that the child is getting the opportunity to practice golf. Any concerns with this please speak to one of us at the foundation.
The aims of The Elexis Brown Golf Foundations aim is to get children who wouldn’t normally be involved in golf into golf. We want to help young people up to the age of 18 who reside in England and Wales in the following ways:
* Provide golf activities which develop skills, capacities and capabilities enabling them to participate in society as mature individuals
* Provide scholarships for facilities, equipment, and coaching to enable those from socially, economically and disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in golf.
* Support those with disabilities in the world of golf and show them that anything is possible
Golf is renowned as a social sport, spending time with friends, family and others offers benefits for health and mental well-being. Being part of something social, interactive plays ahead huge part on mental health, many discussions about what is going on in your life is had on a golf course. It is also a form of exercise which can reduce anxiety and it also teaches resilience, being out in nature allows you to get rid of the technology and social media, allowing freedom for those hours on the course. By supporting children in golf we are giving the children opportunities that they wouldn’t normally have.