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Our new school's program started at the beginning of October 2022 the Elexis Brown Golf foundation was approached by the Golf Foundation to work on a joint venture with PGA Professional Joe Grange and South Nottinghamshire Academy.


The children involved with the scheme were provided with brand new golf clubs, the junior golf clothing was provided by Every Shots Counts junior golfing brand.


The children aged between 11 - 16 will have the opportunity to attend weekly after schools' group sessions at Radcliff - on - Trent Golf club delivered by PGA professional Joe Grange.


Joe will promote good sportsmanship and inspire the children to play with honesty, integrity, respect, and courtesy.


We feel Golf is a character-building pursuit and pupils from south Nottinghamshire Academy will develop a fine appreciation for the rules of the game.


The children were asked to name their group and design the logo, they came up with the name Gilmore Golfers Academy and also incorporating each logo from all partners involved in the program.


Joe Grange

Head PGA Teaching Professional

Joe is a fully qualified PGA Professional and has been a member at of staff at Radcliffe - on - Trent Golf Club for over 15 years and was previously a member and a Junior Captain.

Since he took over, he has significantly changed the junior section to over 120 participants with regular Sunday morning sessions for 3 hours.

through the state-of-the-art studio and training he has widened his knowledge of teaching and custom fitting with his huge passion being in the teaching element of the job.

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